Monday, September 27, 2010

The pay benefits of a higher education...By Maroa

According to Baum, Sandy and Kathleen Payea, People that have a higher education have as well a better payment. Analyzing the graphic workers between twenty five and older, the graphic show that less than HS diploma get pay 21,600 at year with a full time job. Also, the author calculated that people with a high school diploma have thirty thousand eight hundred dollars per year. Some college without a degree, receive 35,700 dollars. Populace with associate degree gets 37,000 dollars showing a minimum different between associate degree and non-degree. Bachelor ‘s degree has a salary of 49,900 dollars at year. The master’s degree make per year 50,500 $. Doctorate degree makes 79,400 dollars being almost the last degree. Professional degree is the last one and the one with more years makes 95,700 dollars per year.

That is one of the reason why so many American students decide at lest a study the Master’s degree, because they know that they will have more opportunity to get a good job with a good salary.

The source came from U.S Census Bureau 2004, PINC-03: Internal Revenue Service, 2003, Table 3; Mclntyre, et al, 2003; Calculated by the authors.

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