Monday, October 11, 2010

Mending a broken heart... by Maroa

Mending a broken heart

Most of the people with a broken heart get in depression because they do not know how to handling. Mending a broken heart can be treatment with three easy steps: first working out, second not being alone, and third realize about the situation getting it over. These methods can be really useful for all of those people that just broke up after a long time relationship or a strong sentimental relationship. These people that do not confront or accept the situation may suffer or get in a long depression affecting their healthy.

Doing exercise not only help the body and make you healthy, also, distract you to keep thinking about the situation that is bother you. After finish a relationship your mind do not stop to think in what happen, what made you upset, why the relationship finish in that way, etc. Also, thinking these thoughts make you be upset and cry. When you working out your mind is focus just in the exercise and not in the sad situation. Also, when you finish your body is tired and relaxing because you have also take more oxygen. This is an easy way to be healthy and keep your mind thinking in different thinks until the situation pass.

It is really important have someone that is supporting you in this situation. Most of the time you will be vulnerable to sad situation that make you get upset and depress. Do not think that you will be better alone all time. You will like to be alone sometimes, but having a person with you make you feel better and is there to listen to you. You will be surprise how many real friends you have that are there to help you and also give you advices and make you have fun and be distract of the bad situation. Also, expressing your feelings to someone else make you feel better and help you to understand what happened.

The third step is realized about what happened or why were the causes of the broke up. This step can be also for another kind of situation, which is related to sentimental situations. After all the sorrow and sadness, always the situation pass and it is time to get over it. It is really helpful to understand the situation and realize that it is over and it is time to move on. Another important think is not has resentment with the person that you have the conflict. Having resentment and not forgiving the person it is not healthy and make you feel bad with yourself. That is why you should understand the mistakes, forgive the person, say sorry, and get over it.

In conclusion, doing exercise, talking and expressing your feelings, and understanding the situation can help you to pass through those bad situations and make you be happy again. Remember always that the time it is really important in these situations, because take time to exceed and forget the bad moment, but always exist a second opportunity, a forgiving, and a new experience.

1 comment:

  1. Unity: 5, all the parts are directly with the topic.

    Coherence: 5, the logical structure is defined very well.

    Support: 5, all details explain and support the thesis statements very well.

    Mechanics of writing: 4, author used different words at the first P and following P to say the same things. That is very good using.
    P2,S2, missing a word?
    P2,S4, punctuation
